Please Note! Attendance for the retailer course is subject to our acceptance. All retailer course applications must be approved by a managing director before a place is even offered.
We hold a number of saddle fitting courses at our workshops in Canterbury during the year and courses are varied in content according to the experience of those attending. In addition to the theory of saddle fitting with Flair® and WOW explaining why and how our products work we then put into practice all aspects of fitting and saddle adjustment using Flair® and, if applicable WOW on the horses of a variety of shapes purchased specifically for use on the saddle fitting courses. This enables us to be able to discuss different conformation types and the effect on saddle fitting, and see what works and what does not work in terms of trees and girthing as well as the effect of adjustments on the rider. We discuss the effect of adjustments of Flair® on the flat work and jumping of the horses, as well as the rider. Saddle fitting will be carried out in a covered area and there is a 60 x 20m indoor ménage for riding in with show jumps.
On all courses the numbers attending are very limited and are available on a first booked basis. As there is usually more demand than spaces, places are secured by a non-returnable deposit which can be used as part payment of goods if the course is attended on the dates booked.
WOW Retailer training days (5 day courses) during 2023 are on the following dates:
16th to 20th January 2023 (Monday to Friday inclusive)
6th to 10th March 2023 (Monday to Friday inclusive)
24th to 28th July 2023 (Monday to Friday inclusive)
16th to 20th October 2023 (Monday to Friday inclusive)
27th November to 1st December 2023 (Monday to Friday inclusive)
Training Course Contents
A FIVE day saddle fitting course using WOW and going into great depth as to how the tree, head plate, girthing, panel design and saddle balance all affect fitting of a saddle to the horse and how the fit can be fine-tuned using the retailer’s Flair skills. We have found from experience that even four days is just not enough, ,so now we have the indoor ménage, we have extended to five days.
We cover in great detail both in the classroom and with the horses how conformation and saddle fitting issues can be overcome with a correct understanding of tree, girthing and panel design, and then concentrate on saddle fitting issues working with the horses.
WOW saddles are put together using various options for different fitting problems. Time is spent adjusting saddles correctly and badly on the horses in the ménage, so you can see the effect for both horse and rider.
In addition we cover asymmetry in both horse and rider and how to look for it, the implications on the way the horse and saddle moves and the effect on the rider and their riding. We then look at saddle adjustment and how you can change the situation, when to adjust and when not to.
We also discuss marketing, legalities of consumer law and fitting and relevant fitting records, invoicing etc.
Full course notes are supplied.
General Information About All Courses
You will receive a numbered certificate after each of the courses. Those wishing to attend the course are required to supply information about their equine history and current business/ career. If attending a course participants will be required to either pay for the course or actually invest in a range of saddles for their demo stock. More information is supplied on request.
Clothing – course are held indoors and outdoors so you should dress in layers to allow you to adjust to the changing environment. As you will be working around horses you should wear footwear and clothing that is appropriate.
Location, Food and Accommodation!
Our workshops and offices are about ten minutes’ drive from the City of Canterbury in Kent in a very rural area. Whilst it is helpful to have a car, there is a local taxi service and we can arrange pick up from local Bed & Breakfasts. We supply lunch to those on the courses. Please advise if you have any special dietary requirements or are allergic to anything. Evening meals can be taken at a choice of local pubs (£10.00+) or in the centre of Canterbury where cuisine from most nationalities is available. Usually everyone eats together but this is not compulsory and some of the B&B will supply evening meals.
Accommodation is available in either “Bed and Breakfast” (Approx. £45.00 – £90.00 pp/night) or hotels (varies £) either in the local countryside or in the centre of Canterbury. We can provide list of local accommodation. If you are accompanied by partners, Canterbury offers excellent shopping, cinemas, art galleries etc. as well as secluded country walks, bicycle rides and golf courses and is well known as a lovely place to take a holiday!
Retailers coming on the course are expected to purchase demo kit.
The demo kit comprises items required for general saddle fitting – The WOW Saddle Gauge, A pump kit and headplates as minimum.
In addition, you are also expected to purchase saddles which you can use to demonstrate the brand to potential customers enabling them to ride on the saddles. Without up to date demo saddles you cannot be fair to the public and cannot expect to be able to sell saddles. When you sell a saddle you are when working with WOW, required to service and maintain contact with your customers to ensure they have the necessary saddle checks as needed and that the customer is happy.
Attendance at the course is charged for, unless sufficient demo kit is purchased.
You will need to pay us for any goods used or purchased whilst with us, using either credit card, cheque or cash!
To book please download the following form WOW and Flair Retailer training dates in 2023 with booking form and send back to us via fax or email using the details at the bottom of the form. Please be aware that the deposit is not refundable in the case of cancellation or postponement within 4 weeks of the course dates, as places are so limited.